There’s a right way to handle your wastewater treatment problems. Call FVOP today and we’ll put you in touch with wastewater treatment plant experts, who have conducted hundreds of analyses on wastewater treatment and collection systems.
FVOP has expertise in inspecting treatment equipment and machinery, monitoring meters, gauges and recording the data, collecting, and testing wastewater samples, and operating equipment during the treatment and purifying processes.
Types of Wastewater Treatment Services
Operational Management
FVOP can help with various forms of operational management, including:
- Safety training: FVOP believes safety is a No. 1 priority and helps wastewater facilities with safety training and provides safety protocols, including site-specific health and safety handbooks for each facility we operate. The safety training covers policies and training modules written in accordance with the applicable federal and state regulations governing employee health and safety and maintaining a safe work environment.
- Technical training: We believe a well-trained staff is the key to efficient and effective operations services. FVOP provides technical training to certified operators and those working toward certification, including entry level and junior staff. We can train your staff to make sure the equipment and processes used to treat wastewater are being followed and staff are operating in a safe manner. FVOP also helps facilities by cross training all operations staff to provide more efficient operation and maintenance of our client’s facilities.
- Troubleshooting: FVOP has experts in troubleshooting wastewater treatment plant issues who can identify water-related problems and help you solve them.
- Sludge management, reduction, & removal: The best practices for sludge management are reduction and removal. FVOP helps wastewater facilities with this service by thickening or dewatering the sludge. The process allows the solids to settle.
- Odor control: Wastewater smells even on the best of days and wastewater treatment facilities face increased pressures to reduce odor emissions around their workers and communities. FVOP helps wastewater facilities eliminate bad odors by finding the source of your odors and tailoring control solutions.
Administrative Processes
FVOP can help with various administrative hurdles, such as:
- Planning: FVOP, along with F&V, can help plan the needed improvements and maintenance with an Asset Management Plan. This will look at the equipment, costs, timeframes, and funding opportunities.
- Permit applications: F&V has expertise in permit applications and assisting facilities in obtaining and maintaining compliance.
- Capital planning: FVOP safeguards the financial investment of clients’ equipment and facilities with capital planning that encompasses day-to-day operations, maintenance, and management activities. We proactively help wastewater facilities with maintenance programs that extend the life, performance, reliability, and efficiencies of their equipment.
- Computer maintenance management systems (CMMS): Preventive maintenance systems are critical to the overall effectiveness and extending the life of the complicated mechanical components of wastewater treatment facilities. As a firm, our goal is to install CMMS on every operations project – large or small.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
- Stormwater systems management: FVOP assists clients with the operation of stormwater systems in a full range of sizes and complexities. Our expertise in system inspection, maintenance, monitoring, and reporting, leads to an efficient, optimized system – without sacrificing performance. FVOP provides an array of services ranging from overseeing operations and best management practice (BMP) technologies to help you achieve compliance within your regulatory permit.
- Oil separation: FVOP helps wastewater facilities remove oils, greases, and hydrocarbons, leaving only the non-hazardous water which can be disposed of safely in draining.
- RCRA inventory and waste management: FVOP helps wastewater facilities with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) inventories and waste management focusing on waste minimization and phasing out land disposal of hazardous waste as well as correction action for releases.
- Soil and groundwater remediation systems management: FVOP’s sister company, F&V, has environmental experts in site remediation services, including incremental sampling, remedial alternative feasibility studies; remedial system design, installation, and operation/maintenance; biddable specification preparation and contractor bid management. Remedial technologies successfully used on sites include excavation and disposal, mobile NAPL recovery, AS/SVE, pump and treat, air stripping, carbon adsorption, UV/Oxidation, in situ chemical oxidation, engineering controls, and administrative controls.
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Levels of Treatment
Wastewater is treated in three phases, primary (solid removal), secondary (bacterial decomposition) and tertiary (extra filtration). FVOP’s extensive experience these levels of treatment can benefit your facility.

Wastewater Treatment Processes
- Activated sludge: Activated sludge treatment process (ASTP) is the most common and conventional biological treatment. Effluent contains suspended impurities that are reduced using ASTP (aeration tank) with the help of oxygen sources present and microorganism. FVOP has vast experience in activated sludge plants.
- Aerated lagoon: The aerated lagoon treatment process uses large, shallow basis with long residence times. Process water is pumped into the lagoon and left there for biological wastewater treatment. Aerated lagoon plants are very familiar to FVOP.
- Attached growth: Attached-growth processes (also known as fixed-film processes) are biological wastewater treatment processes with the biomass attached to some type of media. The media normally found at wastewater treatment plants are rock, ceramic, plastic materials, and slag. FVOP has vast experience in attached growth plants.
- Aerobic and anaerobic digestion: Aerobic and anaerobic digestion utilize natural organisms, such as bacteria, to further break down the organic waste that remains in the water. Aerobic treatment requires the use of oxygen, while anaerobic does not. Aerobic and anaerobic digestion are very familiar to FVOP.
- Chemical treatment lagoons: Lagoon treatment is an in situ bioremediation process that degrades a mixture of organic and inorganic hazardous substances in a lagoon. Cleanup usually requires a combined treatment approach. Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation methods can be applied, depending on contaminant characteristics. FVOP has vast experience in chemical treatment lagoons.
- Membrane biologic reactor: Membrane bioreactor is a combination of membrane processes like microfiltration or ultrafiltration with a biological wastewater treatment process, the activated sludge. Membrane biologic reactors is a process FVOP staff are very comfortable operating.
- Mixed bed biologic reactor: Mixed bed biologic reactor (MBBR) uses plastic carriers covered in biofilm to decompose waste. In addition to being an effective means of removing organic substances, MBBR is also an innovative method for nitrification and denitrification. FVOP has vast experience with MMBRs and operate an award-winning MBBR plant.
- Oxidation ditch: An oxidation ditch is a modified activated sludge biological treatment process that utilizes long solids retention times (SRTs) to remove biodegradable organics. Oxidation ditches are a process FVOP staff are very experienced with.
- Rapid infiltration basins: Rapid Infiltration is one of the three major land treatment techniques that uses the soil ecosystem to treat wastewater. Wastewater is applied to shallow basins constructed in deep and permeable deposits of highly porous soils. Wastewater application can be by flooding, or occasionally by sprinklers. FVOP has experience in rapids infiltration basins.
- Tertiary filtration: Tertiary filtration is used to reduce biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids and phosphorus in the final effluent. Suspended solids will have BOD and phosphorus associated with it so by removing suspended solids to very low levels will also significantly reduce the BOD and phosphorus. FVOP has familiarity with tertiary filtration.
- Wetland systems: Constructed wetlands (CWs) are engineered wetlands that “mimic the simultaneous physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in natural wetlands for wastewater treatment purposes.” By leveraging these processes that occur in natural wetlands, CWs can be used to treat municipal wastewater. Wetland systems are a process FVOP can assist with.

Get the Best in Wastewater Treatment & Collection with FVOP
Please give us a call or e-mail for us to assist with your wastewater treatment and collection system. We have the expertise to assist you!
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